Marantz is very collectable. I think its American hand made version of a jap brand, owned by Americans.
I sold a Marantz CD player for NZ$100, worth English £100 (NZ$270). Only paid a few $ for it.
I have a very early and collectable transistorised audio Amp, a Sansui AU222 . That I found in scrap for free....
And a valve elpico amp, that for sound quality just blew away a modern Yamaha amp. And it was the best amp I could find sub$800...

I found that and a even better value stero amp for free in scrap once.
Along with a 'Valve powered amp'. I thought this could be worth something...

Its a scam, its a 'Valve powered, amp...."
Yes the power supply uses valves, and the actual amp is a transistor board the size of a cigarette packet.
The Quad, "ouch." I sold a Quad mono amp and tuner for $90 and another two bigger amps with no preamp for even less..
I still have the Akai electrostatic headphones that I brought in that deal though, need oil filled ear padding fixed first. Amazing quality, no background noise at all.
Oh, and one of these tapedecks. Its the sort that was used by reporters in Vietnam and also to record bootleg versions of live Grateful dead concerts.
And, surprised to notice it, in the movie 'Wonderland avenue'. It was used by the Police to record a conversation. Nice touch of authenticity.

Note, of you ever get the chance, read the book 'Wonderland avenue' by Danny Sugarman. It involves soo many famous people and a insight to 'The Doors' Jim Morrison, Iggy Pop, John Holmes and well even Danny....