I paid my $15 and got one working and one that doesn't work. However, the sellers intent was that you have to buy all that's left to get any free. He has a total of 12 left. He told me he'd give me a really good deal on all that was left. I admit got a little excited about that. Then he tells me $100 for all. Hmmm, let's see now. I paid $15 for two. Oh hell no! By the way, my opinion based on more than his great offer, he's a bonafide flake. Breakdown summary of main components. Mobo is a finger card configuration. That's good but at 12.6 oz. that's not so good. CPU is green fiber w/pins and AL cap. Mobo plugs into a backplane that weighs 11.05 oz. That's all besides 2-3 oz of ribbon wire and a floppy drive. Also, there's a better than average power supply which has a max output of 100w. Haven't broken one down yet but it does have all copper heat sinks. The case is steel with a composite outer shell. So, my conclusion is that they are not worth it at all. I almost broke even at 2 for $15. That's if my time is worth nothing. That day I had nothing else to do so why not. Never the less, thanks for the post!