Saving TV, Microwave, Stereo, and Electronic Fuses
Many times a blown fuse is all a non-working electrical contraption needs, and I don't think you'll find one at the local Walmart. My microwave blew one several years ago, been a great one for 10 years then, 13 now. I looked for one online, and it seemed Radio Shack was the only common place that carried it, but there's no RS for a hundred miles around here. Luckily at the time, my sister was working in Kansas and due in for a long weekend, so she picked me up a pack of two on her way home, and it is working still today.
Just this morning I was stripping TV and electronics boards and decided not a bad idea to grab some of those fuses, so I began me a little pile of them on the side. Also, just this morning my cordless battery charger had gone out, and when I pulled it down, found the fuse was blown. Looked through the fuses I'd just begun saving and found them to be the same size. I replaced a 125V/4A with a 250V/2.5A . Not sure how good of a match that really is, but at least the charger is charging once more ; )