As I was paid $60 for some copper AL steel and a touch more
It hit me $60 was really fine for the small amount of space the metals took up .
YES we are being paid well for our work & metal . We cry about prices up down but really over all for now the market is great,
Yes if copper hits .75 AL .14 and so on AND if fiat currency stayed inflated that would be a bad situation. I feel a crash in commodity's will cause a drop in price for items we need .
The day our metals pay very little money and the cost of living even cost more. Then we are done. Thats what I fear, after all can hard working 3rd world class people get any good money for there pain.
For now we may very well be selling America's industrial wealth Lock Stock and Barrel .
How are our metals coming back to us from our over seas customers . Inferior with less metal and plastic.Did it ever occur we may get our metal back in guns and weapons. Wile USA contemplates copper bullets Lead bullets are produced for over sea arm's.
I need the money I scrap like you and it's easy to get happy with all the juicy finds we get . Some day the rug may get pulled from under our feet
As massive copper is being put into the market from defaulted loans backed by copper . That tells me
I see now us scrappers are riding the horse . We know the health of the economy day in day out. We see what we disassemble from the past and see HMM. what we dissemble now is not even old the stuff we dissemble from the past still works !! 1 year junk is broken.
Try to have a home appliance with out a factory warranty , You can't !
yet the 20 year fridge you pay no attention to still works.
Yes lock stock and barrel
When some thing is to good to be true it's not.