To buy a truck or not buy a truck, that is the question.
I live in Ohio...been scraping pat time for about 6 months now. I have a 2008 dodge caliber (small car), that will be paid off next year. However, I'm already noticing that I could be getting some extra scrap here & there IF I had a truck. I don't like the prospect of the extra debt of trading in my car for a truck. But at the same time I think if I could put a little more time into scrapping, then maybe it would be worth it. I already have an 8 to 5 job, so I don't know how much more I could do. But, I do know that I could start running trash routes & such. Payment is $250 a month now and I wouldn't want to go above that. But, even at $250 a month I don't know if I could make it worth it. Any thoughts anybody?
To buy a truck or not buy a truck, that is the question.
Mick, I have wanted a truck for a while now and could easily justify getting the truck because of the scrapping & the fact that I want it. But I don't think I could scrap $250 a month worth, even with a truck. So I want a truck, I just want to make a calculated decision. If I can sweat it out, when the car is paid for I could it for a truck, hopefully straight up, because I don't want a new truck or a pretty truck as I call it. I'll need a work truck.
To buy a truck or not buy a truck, that is the question.
i bet 1956 want buy another truck for that money anymore ..... them deals just happens once in a blue moon
To buy a truck or not buy a truck, that is the question.
Thanks everyone for the words of advice. For some reason, a van had not come into my thoughts. But, anyway I think for now I'm gonna stick with what I got & just work up from there with no debt. This is greatest hobby I ever had. I can do weekday I want & it still makes me money. Even with a car, it's still the best thing going. Thanks again to everyone.