They have a few companies that will advance cash based on your vehicle for collateral . Say you need a expensive repair or cash for some other emergency . Not saying that's the case here . Just what I have noticed in my neck of the woods.
Full article at Scrap Metal Forum:
Yup, that's a title loan down here by me, and everywhere else I've been. You bring in title, they give you cash, you lapse on the loan, they keep your car. ;)
I've seen some that are awesome, an some that are run like Payday loan places. Where basically your set up to fail. I know Easy isn't that type of character, so I don't worry he'll be like the Payday loan ones.
I await to hear more! Stop teasing me!
Sirscrapalot - Meep. meep. MEEP! - That funny looking science Muppet that can't talk.